Stevenson’s COVID-19 Response for the 2021-2022 School Year

Executive Note

In addition to watching guidelines, we have been fortunate to have ample communication with peer schools and medical professionals.  Together, they have helped us review practices and processes and to root our decisions in the best evidence we have to date.  We are confident that what we have created is scientifically sound, is practical, and will keep the community safe while minimizing unnecessary disruptions and restrictions.  The following list provides key points, after which further details are provided.

As has been the case, we are employing a layered approach that provides great protection:

  • To start the year, we will require all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to wear masks indoors when not eating.

  • All employees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they have a legally recognized exemption.  Those exempted must provide a negative COVID-19 test each week or as frequently as determined by the School.

  • All students are required to be fully vaccinated OR to provide a negative COVID-19 test each week.

  • The weekly COVID-19 test must be taken no more than 72 hours prior to the start of the school week. Families and employees are responsible for arranging their own testing.

  • Vaccination status can be verified via vaccine card or NY State Excelsior pass. (See for details).

  • Privacy will be strictly maintained. Only the staff tracking verifications will review who is vaccinated versus who is providing weekly testing.

  • Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19  test taken within 72 hours prior to entering the building will be required for all visitors to the building, such as parents, prospective parents and students, visiting professionals, and vendors.

  • Furthermore, we reserve the right to request COVID-19  testing for anyone who is entering our building regardless of vaccination status.


The Robert Louis Stevenson School reopening plan incorporates multiple elements to minimize the risk of transmission and maximize the safety of faculty, staff, and students.  No one part by itself is 100% effective, but the combination of such things as pro-hygiene practices, staff and visitor screening, the use of masks, frequent and thorough disinfection, training, and communication taken together provide a robust and secure plan.

Multiple sources were used to develop the plan for the 2020-21 school year and to then revise the plan as indicated for the 2021-22 school year. Starting with our mission, we then considered input from stakeholders across the Stevenson community and input from varied health professionals. The New York State Reopening Guidance for Religious and Independent Schools and the New York Department of Health guidance for schools served as foundational guides. Other key sources include CDC guidelines, webinars, recommendations from NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools), and NYSAIS (New York Association of Independent schools). As the 2021-22 school year approached, Stevenson integrated updated recommendations from the New York State Education Department.

Stevenson’s 2021-22 school year practices will continue to follow state and local orders.

School Overview

The Robert Louis Stevenson School is an independent school. Stevenson is a college preparatory coed day school that serves 80 students in grades eight through twelve. Seventh grade applicants who are ready for college preparatory coursework may also be considered.

Stevenson is located at 24 West 74th Street on the upper west side of Manhattan in a six-story brownstone off Central Park West. Although the building is rated for a higher occupancy, at full enrollment the number of students plus staff is approximately 115-120 individuals in the building under normal circumstances.

Stevenson students are bright adolescents who have been unable to negotiate the academic, social, and emotional pressures of the typical school environment. They are intelligent, social, resourceful, and creative. Many come from prestigious, competitive independent and public schools where they have demonstrated significant achievement in areas of particular interest.

Students at Stevenson may be struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adjustment problems, anxiety, depression, or difficulties with peers. They may also have learning issues. 

Stevenson has one of the more diverse student bodies in the NYC independent system. Our community typically includes individuals of different races, cultural backgrounds, socio-economic conditions, gender identities and LGBTQ students. We prize our accepting school culture and believe it makes a meaningful difference in broadening our community’s perspective.

The student-to-staff ratio is 4:1. Stevenson has 20 faculty members, four full time psychologists, one full time school psychology doctoral intern, learning specialists, and a college counselor.

The school does not have any food services, cafeteria, or lunch program. Students are responsible for their own lunches.

Families develop their own plans for transportation to and from school. Some students receive Metrocards from the NYC DOE. Some parents utilize buses from the DOE. Stevenson does not have any buses or drivers.  

All currently enrolled students reside in New York. There are no out-of-state students.

Fall 2021

Stevenson shifted to 100% in-person courses during the July 2021 term, and that model will continue into the fall. This approach is consistent with peer schools and federal, state, and local guidance calling for in-person courses for all students. Our plans within that model are designed to increase time spent in the building and to keep students and staff healthy and safe throughout the year.


All employees are required to be fully vaccinated by October 21 as a condition of entering the school, subject to certain exemptions. Staff who are unable to receive a vaccine due to a legally recognized exemption must immediately contact the Head of School. Please note that staff may be subsequently required to provide additional information or documentation in support of their request for an exemption. If the request for the exemption is approved, the requestor may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation (e.g. requirement to provide a negative COVID-19 test regularly with the frequency being determined by the Head of School in accordance with guidance from public health authorities, School policy, and applicable laws and regulations).

The School reserves the right to discharge or otherwise discipline any staff member who fails or refuses to receive a COVID-19 vaccine without an approved exemption.

All students are required to be fully vaccinated OR to provide a negative COVID-19 test each week.

Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to entering the building will be required for all visitors to the building, such as parents, prospective parents and students, visiting professionals, and vendors.

In cases where COVID-19 tests are provided in lieu of vaccination the negative COVID-19 test must be taken no more than 72 hours prior to entering the building. Families and employees are responsible for arranging their own testing.

Vaccination status of employees, students, and visitors can be verified via vaccine card or NY State Excelsior pass (see for details). 

Privacy will be strictly maintained. Only the staff tracking verifications will review who is vaccinated versus who is providing testing.

Stevenson also reserves the right to request COVID-19 testing for anyone who is entering our building regardless of vaccination status.

Face Coverings

Face coverings will be required of all who enter the building.   Students are expected to provide their own.  A supply will be available for visitors, students, and employees who do not have one.  Students who repeatedly forget to bring a suitable covering will be charged for the covering that is provided.  If this continues, parents will be contacted, and the student may be denied entry into the building. 

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are all required to wear non vented facemasks when in the building.  The exception is in a closed office or room when working alone or in a one-person restroom. In these cases, the mask must remain accessible.

Face shields have been purchased and will be available for all faculty and staff who request to use them.  Face shields will only be approved as an addition to, as opposed to replacement for, face masks.


The Stevenson School is located in a historic brownstone building on the Upper Westside of Manhattan.  As such, there is little to no opportunity for expansion or reconfiguration.

Stevenson has no automatic doors.

Stevenson will use its two staircases to reduce density during passing times.

Use of the Stevenson facility by outside groups has been discontinued until further notice.

Special Activities

We may alter the normal procedures of all Physical Education classes to meet state and local guidelines. This may include separating students and teachers and using local locations like Central Park when possible.


Signage will be posted clearly throughout the building.

Food Services / Meals

Robert Louis Stevenson School does not provide food services or meals to students. There is no cafeteria. Students and employees bring their own lunches to school.


All windows have been checked and are in good working order.  Every classroom has at least one window that opens.  Faculty will be asked to open the windows whenever weather permits.

Stevenson does not have an HVAC system. Stand alone HEPA filtration units have been purchased for each classroom and for the administrative suite.   Each has more than adequate capacity to filter the air in the spaces they have been purchased for.

Mental Health and Behavioral Support Services

The Robert Louis Stevenson School is rooted in mental health resources and support. Stevenson is a therapeutic day school that educates students primarily struggling with mental health issues, many of whom also work to manage specific learning differences and environmental challenges. First and foremost, Stevenson’s mission is one that fuses academic and emotional development, and our program designed to serve that mission operates with a therapeutic foundation. For a school of only 80 students, Stevenson has five doctoral level psychologists and a doctoral intern on staff to work with students in both scheduled meetings and in an on-demand capacity. Stevenson’s clinical team is supported by the Advising structure, which groups students with teams of faculty and staff for multiple meetings each day. The practices and decision-making throughout the program’s operation are strengthened by the faculty’s direct training in therapeutic work. All together, the program facilitates both the identification of student needs and the evidence-based practices to address them.

Transportation and Entry into the Building

Stevenson does not provide any transportation. Families develop their own plans for transportation to and from school. Some students receive Metrocards from the NYC DOE. Some parents utilize buses from the DOE. Stevenson does not have any buses or drivers.

Hygiene, Cleaning, and Disinfection

Students, faculty and staff will be trained on proper hygiene and handwashing techniques.  Touchless hand sanitizer dispensers are available in the lobby.  Hand sanitizer is widely available throughout the building, including being available in each classroom.  Touchless faucets have been installed in the lobby bathrooms.

Covered trash cans with foot-operated lids have been purchased for use throughout the building.

All who enter the building will be required to wash their hands immediately in one of the lobby bathrooms.  (The redundancy between sanitizing and washing is intentional as an added safeguard).  It is recommended for all to wash their hands as much as possible.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Procedures

A rigorous daily cleaning and disinfecting protocol has been developed in conjunction with the facilities team.  This includes a daily cleaning protocol, a protocol for cleaning high-touch surfaces throughout the day, and a checklist to ensure that all procedures are followed.

Cleaning products used will be from the list of products on the New York State EPA list as effective against COVID-19.

In addition to the daily cleaning and disinfection, high touch surfaces; such as door knobs, faucets, railings, copier touchpads, and water cooler faucets; will be regularly cleaned.


Screening and Testing

Stevenson reserves the right to request COVID-19 testing for anyone who is entering our building regardless of vaccination status.  

Everyone is expected to stay home if sick. Parents, students, and staff must follow Stevenson’s standard practice to stay home when they are sick. All must pay particular attention to COVID-19 symptoms (including fever of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, new cough, new loss of taste or smell, and/or new shortness of breath). In the event that such symptoms emerge for people while in the building, they will be directed to leave and follow medical advice to determine their return.

Containment and Consequential Decision-making

Management and Isolation of Ill Persons

Consistent with CDC guidance, employees and students who are suspected of being ill may be sent home at the discretion of the administration. Parents will be contacted, and students and parents will be directed to contact their healthcare provider.

As needed, the Head of School’s office will be used as an emergency isolation space.  It is a sealed, enclosed space with ventilation to the outside.  It can be thoroughly disinfected after use to minimize the potential for the virus to spread.  We will ensure that symptomatic students who are waiting to be picked up remain under the visual supervision of a staff member who is socially distanced.

Contact tracing and additional decisions related to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in the community will be informed by local guidance.

Chris Ongaro